Basic Data Types — Specification
- Metanotation
- Integer
- String
- Symbol
- Boolean
- Null
- Floating-Point
- Decimal Floating-Point
- Unsigned
- Complex
This section describes the most fundamental non-composite data types provided by the MANOOL standard library.
The following metalinguistic formalisms and metalanguages are used in this section:
- plain English,
- basic mathematical notation,
- tree regular grammars,
- simple patterns and templates for MANOOL r-value expressions (namely, operation invocations) with pattern/template variables (also known as metavariables).
An invocation template looks just like a normal operation invocation augmented with metalinguistic placeholders (i.e., variables that represent invocation
arguments) and a result data type — separated by =>
— plus a result name when it helps clarity. Names of metalinguistic variables are all lowercase and
are followed by a datatype after a :
character (except for dispatch control parameters where the data type is implied and except for type-unrestricted
parameters). The result name (if present) precedes the result type and a :
character. For each invocation template a semantic description is provided.
The type Integer
corresponds to the (finite) set of integral numbers in the range -(247-1) thru +(247-1) (i.e., -140737488355327 thru
+140737488355327), inclusive.1 Objects of type Integer
(and values they represent) are often referred to simply as integers, and like most abstract
mathematical entities, integers are immutable. Non-negative integers can have integer literals in MANOOL programs.
All arithmetic and comparison operations on integers shall have constant asymptotic time complexity.
I48[S::String] => Integer
— evaluates to an integer that represents the value specified by the argument in the conventional2
decimal notation:
("+" | "-" | ) <nonzero digit> (<nonzero digit> | "0")*
hexadecimal notation:
("+" | "-" | ) "0" ("x" | "X") <hex digit> <hex digit>*
or octal notation:
("+" | "-" | ) "0" <octal digit> <octal digit>*
<nonzero digit> -> "1" | "2" | "3" | ... | "9"
<hex digit> -> "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9" | "A" | "B" | "C" | ... | "F" | "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "f"
<octal digit> -> "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "7"
time complexity: unspecified; example: I48["123"] => 123
I48[I::Integer] => JustI
— evaluates to the argument itself (this constructor is provided merely for completeness)
Type predicate
IsI48[Object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
X + Y::Integer => Integer
— addition
X - Y::Integer => Integer
— subtraction
X * Y::Integer => Integer
— multiplication
X / Y::Integer => Integer
— integer division — the fractional part of the real result is truncated, e.g. 8 / 3 => 2
, 8 / ~3 => ~2
x.Rem[y:Integer] => Integer
— remainder of (/)
— equivalent to
{unless 0 <> y signal Undefined else x - x / y * y}
x.Div[y:Integer] => Integer
— floored division — the real result is floored, e.g.:
(8.Div[3] == 2) & (8.Div[~3] == ~3)
x.Mod[y:Integer] => Integer
— modulo (i.e., remainder of Div
) — equivalent to
{unless 0 <> y signal Undefined else x - x.Div[y] * y}
Neg[X] => Integer, ~X => MinusX::Integer
— negation (unary minus)
X == Y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
x < y => Boolean
— comparison for “less than”
x <= y => Boolean
— comparison for “less than or equal”
x > y => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than”
x >= y => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than or equal”
Order[x; y:Integer] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation — equivalent to
{if x < y then ~1 else: if x > y then 1 else 0}
Abs[x] => Integer
— absolute value (magnitude, modulus)
Str[x] => String
— decimal representation, e.g.:
(Str[10] == "10") & (Str[~3] == "-3")
Str[x; format:String] => String
— argument string representation formatted according to a C/POSIX printf
format specifier for the int
type, with the leading %
stripped, e.g.:
(Str[10; "3d"] == " 10") & (Str[10; "+03d"] == "+010")
Clone[x] => just-x:Integer, DeepClone[x] => just-x:Integer
— evaluate to the argument itself
— no object of typeInteger
can represent the mathematical result of the operation (e.g., when calculating the product of 2147483648 by 2147483648)DivisionByZero
— attempting to divide a dividend different from zero by zeroUndefined
— attempting to divide zero by zeroSyntaxError
— a string representation or format specifier is malformed (has invalid syntax)UnrecognizedOperation
The type String
corresponds to the (infinite) set of (finite) sequences of 0 or more elements (octets)3 drawn from a (finite) alphabet of 28
(i.e., 256) elements. Objects of type String
are often referred to simply as strings (or more accurately, raw strings), and like most abstract
mathematical entities, strings are immutable. Strings can have literal representation in MANOOL programs in most practically interesting
Typically, strings are not directly interpreted in accordance with the above definition. Instead, raw strings should contain actual character strings encoded using some specific character encoding, like ASCII, UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, or even UCS-32. However, by themselves and when considered outside of any additional context, raw strings are otherwise character-encoding agnostic and even might be used to manipulate non-character data, such as the contents of arbitrary binary files.
String octets are indexed starting from zero and are accessible as Unsigned values from U32[0]
to U32["0xFF"]
, inclusive.
S8[S::String] => JustS::String
— evaluates to the argument itself (this constructor is provided merely for completeness)
Named constants
Nul == "" | U32[ 0]
Bel == "" | U32[ 7]
Bs == "" | U32[ 8]
Ht == "" | U32[ 9]
Lf == "" | U32[10]
Vt == "" | U32[11]
Ff == "" | U32[12]
Cr == "" | U32[13]
Esc == "" | U32[27]
Sp == "" | U32[32] -- equivalent to " "
Qq == "" | U32[34] -- double quote
Type predicate
IsS8[Object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
S[Index::Integer] => Octet::Unsigned
— octet at the specified position; time complexity: O(1); example:
"Hello, world!"[7] => U32[119]
S[Indexes::Range] => Substring::String, S[Indexes::RevRange] => Substring::String
— substring of octets in the specified range of positions (reversed for RevRange
time complexity: O(Size[Indexes]
); examples:
"Hello, world!"[Range[7; 12]] => "world", "Hello, world!"[RevRange[7; 12]] => "dlrow"
S.Repl[Index::Integer; Octet::Unsigned] => ModS::String
— evaluates to a string that represents the original string value with the specified octet replaced by the specified new value;
time complexity: O(1) for an unshared object S
, O(Size[S]
) otherwise; example:
"Hello, world!".Repl[7; "W"[0]] => "Hello, World!"
S.Repl[Indexes::Range; Substring::String] => ModS::String, S.Repl[Indexes::RevRange; Substring::String] => ModS::String
— equivalent to
S[Range[Lo[Indexes]] + Substring + S[Range[Hi[Indexes]; Size[S]]
or (respectively)
S[Range[Lo[Indexes]] + Substring[RevRange[Size[Substring]]] + S[Range[Hi[Indexes]; Size[S]]
Size[S] => Integer
— string size (length, number of elements); time complexity: O(1); example:
Size["Hello, world!"] => 13
X + Y::String => Concat::String
— concatenation;
time complexity: amortized O(Size[Y]
) for an unshared object X
, O(Size[X]
+ Size[Y]
) otherwise; example:
"Hello, " + "world!" => "Hello, world!"
S | Octet::Unsigned => Concat::String
— concatenation with a single element;
time complexity: amortized O(1) for an unshared object S
, O(Size[S]
) otherwise; example:
"Hello, world" | "!"[0] => "Hello, world!"
Elems[S] => JustS
— evaluates to the argument itself
S.Elems[Indexes::Range] => Slice::Iterator, S.Elems[Indexes::Range] => Slice::Iterator
— evaluates to a slice iterator that represents a lazily evaluated substring of octets in the specified range of positions (reversed for RevRange
time complexity: O(1); see slice iterators
Keys[S] => Indexes::Range
— evaluates to a (forward) range that represents element indexes time complexity: O(1)
S.Keys[Indexes::Range] => JustIndexes, S.Keys[Indexes::RevRange] => JustIndexes
— evaluates to the specified range of element indexes
S^ => JustS
— evaluates to the argument itself
X == Y => Boolean
— comparison for equality;
time complexity: O(Size[X]
+ Size[Y]
) if Y
is a string, O(1) otherwise; example:
"Hello, world!" == "Hello, world!" => True, "123" == 123 => False
X <> Y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality;
time complexity: O(Size[X]
+ Size[Y]
) if Y
is a string, O(1) otherwise; example:
"Hello, world!" <> "Hello, world!" => False, "123" <> 123 => True
Order[X; Y] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation — ~1
iff X
lexicographically precedes Y
, 1
iff Y
lexicographically precedes X
, and 0
time complexity: O(Size[X]
+ Size[Y]
); examples:
Order["Hello"; "Hello"] => 0, Order["Hello"; "world"] => ~1, Order["world", "Hello"] => 1
Str[S] => JustS
— evaluates to the argument itself
Str[S; Format::String] => String
— argument string representation formatted according to a C/POSIX printf
format specifier for the const char *
type, with the leading %
time complexity: unspecified; examples:
Str["Hello"; "6s"] => " Hello", Str["Hello"; "-6s"] => "Hello "
Clone[S] => String, DeepClone[S] => String
— evaluates to an (initially) unshared string that represents the same value as the argument
time complexity: O(1) for an unshared object S
, O(Size[S]
) otherwise; examples:
Clone["Hello"] => "Hello", DeepClone["Hello"] => "Hello"
Objects of type Symbol
are often referred to simply as symbols. Symbols resemble strings — they can represent arbitrary sequences of octets (with very few
exceptions). However, symbols are different from strings in either the set of basic operations the MANOOL standard library provides for these types, their exact
behavior, or performance characteristics of some operations. Symbol is one of the fundamental data types in MANOOL (like Integer
and String).
Compared to general-purpose strings, symbols are intended to identify other entities in a given context by using symbolic names (except uninterned symbols), and their internal representation shall be optimized for this purpose.4 In particular, symbols shall be comparable in constant time and also shall be able to be used as keys in certain lookup operations with constant-time complexity (so-called symbol-table lookup operations). The cost of such advantage may be paid at the moment of construction of a symbol, which may take longer than for strings.
There are two kinds of symbols: interned symbols and uninterned symbols. The former can be obtained by conversion from strings, whereas the later
cannot — they can only be generated (by invocations of MakeSym
<quote-form> -> <datum>'
— see Metaprogramming
MakeSym[s:String] => Symbol
— unless the argument starts with `
, evaluates to an interned symbol that represents the same sequence of octets as the argument
MakeSym[] => Symbol
— evaluates to an (randomly generated) uninterned symbol that is not alive at the moment of the evaluation
Named constants
In MANOOL programs a symbol (name) that has not been explicitly bound denotes itself unless it starts with an ASCII lowercase letter. Note that in neither case symbol construction is completely referentially transparent.
Type predicates
IsSym[object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
x == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
Order[x; y:Symbol] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation (once a symbol is obtained for the first time in the course of program execution or compilation or resurrected, its order with respect to other alive symbols is established in an implementation-defined way)
— polymorphic operation on the arguments
Str[s] => String
— string representation (e.g., Str[Foo'] == "Foo"
, whereas Str[MakeSym[]]
returns something random like "`25120"
Clone[s] => just-s:Symbol, DeepClone[s] => just-s:Symbol
evaluates to the argument itself
There are only two objects of type Boolean
—these are truth values true and false, which are bound to the names True
and False
in the MANOOL standard
library, respectively.
Named constants
Type predicates
IsBool[object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
x & y:Boolean => Boolean
— conjunction (logical “and”)
x | y:Boolean => Boolean
— disjunction (logical “or”)
~x => Boolean
— negation (logical “not”)
x.Xor[y:Boolean] => Boolean
— logical exclusive “or”
x == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
Order[x; y:Boolean] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation:
Order[False; False] == Order[True; True] == 0, Order[False; True] == ~1, Order[True; False] == 1
Str[x] => String
— representation as a string:
Str[True] == "True", Str[False] == "False"
Clone[x] => just-x:Boolean, DeepClone[x] => just-x:Boolean
— evaluates to the argument itself
There is just one object of type Null
— nil, which is bound to the name Nil
in the MANOOL standard library.
Named constants
Type predicates
IsNull[object] => Boolean
— provided merely for completeness — equivalent to Nil == object
Polymorphic operations
Nil == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality to Nil
Nil <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality to Nil
Nil^, Set[Nil; object]
— IndirectionByNil
is raised
Order[Nil; Nil] => 0
— total order/equivalence relation
Str[Nil] => "Nil"
— representation as a string
Clone[Nil] => Nil, DeepClone[Nil] => Nil
— evaluates to the argument itself
The type Floating-Point (or more accurately, Binary Floating-Point) corresponds to a (finite) set of real numbers and special values representable according to the IEEE 754-2008 standard5 in a base-2 format, including all normal and subnormal numbers and (positive and negative) zeros and excluding not-a-numbers (NaNs) and (positive and negative) infinities. Like most abstract mathematical entities, objects of type Binary Floating-Point are immutable.
All basic operations on Binary Floating-Point values provided by the MANOOL standard library shall be performed in conformance with IEEE 754-2008 unless
explicitly required otherwise. The effective rounding mode for all calculations shall be always “round to nearest, ties to even” (which has no relation to the
rounding performed by such operations as Trunc
and Round
There are actually two disjoint Binary Floating-Point types (one for each of the two common base-2 formats specified in IEEE 754-2008): 32-bit
(single-precision) Floating-Point and 64-bit (double-precision) Floating-Point. In the following chart these types are denoted as Float32
and Float64
F64[s:String] => Float64
F32[s:String] => Float32
— evaluates to a 64-bit or 32-bit Floating-Point object, respectively, that represents the value specified by the argument in the conventional decimal notation:
("+" | "-" | ) (<digit> <digit>* ("." <digit>* | ) | "." <digit> <digit>*) (("e" | "E") ("+" | "-" | ) <digit> <digit>* | )
<digit> -> "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9"
F64[i:Integer] => Float64
F32[i:Integer] => Float32
— equivalent to F64[Str[i]]
or F32[Str[i]]
, respectively
Type predicates
IsF64[object] => Boolean
IsF32[object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
In the following chart Float
refers to the underlying Binary Floating-Point type, and t
stands for the corresponding constructor (i.e., either F32
x + y:Float => Float
— addition
x - y:Float => Float
— subtraction
x * y:Float => Float
— multiplication
x / y:Float => Float
— division
x.Rem[y:Float] => Float
— remainder of integer division, e.g.:
F64["9.5"].Rem[F64["3.5"]] == F64["2.5"]
Neg[x] => Float, ~x => minus-x:Float
— negation (unary minus)
x.Fma[y:Float; z:Float] => Float
— fused multiply-add operation — computes y
avoiding undue loss of precision
x == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
x < y:Float => Boolean
— comparison for “less than”
x <= y:Float => Boolean
— comparison for “less than or equal”
x > y:Float => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than”
x >= y:Float => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than or equal”
Order[x; y:Float] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation — ~1
iff x
is ordered before y
, 1
iff y
is ordered before x
, and 0
Abs[x] => Float
— absolute value (magnitude, modulus)
Sign[x] => Float
— sign function — for non-zero arguments evaluates to t[1]
iff the argument is positive/negative, respectively; otherwise, evaluates to the
argument itself (i.e., either t[0]
or ~t[0]
Sign[x; y:Float] => copysign:Float
— evaluates to a value with the magnitude of x
and the sign of y
Exp[x] => Float
— base-e exponential of the argument
Expm1[x] => Float
— computes the base-e exponential of the argument, minus 1, with a greater accuracy than Exp[x] - t[1]
Log[x] => Float
— base-e (natural) logarithm of the argument
Log1p[x] => Float
— computes the base-e (natural) logarithm of 1 plus the argument with a greater accuracy than Log[t[1] + x]
Log[base; x:Float] => Float
— equivalent to Log[x] / Log[base]
Log10[x] => Float
— computes the base-10 logarithm of the argument (with a greater accuracy than Log[t[10]; x]
Log2[x] => Float
— computes the base-2 logarithm of the argument (with a greater accuracy than Log[t[2]; x]
Sqr[x] => Float
— square (x
2, x
Sqrt[x] => Float
— square root of the argument
Hypot[x; y:Float] => Float
— computes the square root of the sum of the squares of both arguments avoiding undue overflow
Cbrt[x] => Float
— cube root of the argument
x.Pow[y:Float] => Float
— computes x
raised to the power y
Sin[x] => Float
— sine of an angle in radians
Cos[x] => Float
— cosine of an angle in radians
Tan[x] => Float
— tangent of an angle in radians
Asin[x] => Float
— arcsine in radians
Acos[x] => Float
— arccosine in radians
Atan[x] => Float
— arctangent in radians
Atan[y; x:Float] => atan2:Float
— computes the value of the arctangent of y
using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the result
Sinh[x] => Float
— hyperbolic sine
Cosh[x] => Float
— hyperbolic cosine
Tanh[x] => Float
— hyperbolic tangent
Asinh[x] => Float
— inverse hyperbolic sine
Acosh[x] => Float
— inverse hyperbolic cosine
Atanh[x] => Float
— inverse hyperbolic tangent
Erf[x] => Float
— error function of the argument
Erfc[x] => Float
— complementary error function of the argument (equivalent to: t[1] - Erf[x]
Gamma[x] => Float
— gamma function of the argument
Lgamma[x] => Float
— computes the natural logarithm of the gamma function of the argument avoiding undue overflow
Jn[x; n:Integer] => Float
— Bessel function of the first kind of order n
of x
Yn[x; n:Integer] => Float
— Bessel function of the second kind of order n
of x
Trunc[x] => Float
— evaluates to the argument with the fractional part discarded
Round[x] => Float
— evaluates to the argument rounded to the nearest integral value, half ties toward infinity, e.g.:
(Round[t[".5"]] == t[1]) & (Round[~t[".5"]] == ~t[1])
Floor[x] => Float
— evaluates to the nearest integral value less than or equal to the argument
Ceil[x] => Float
— evaluates to the nearest integral value greater than or equal to the argument
Int[x] => Integer
— Trunc[x]
represented as an object of type Integer
Str[x] => String
— decimal representation, e.g.:
Str[F64["10.5"]] == "1.0500000000000000e+01"
Str[x; format:String] => String
— argument string representation formatted according to a C/POSIX printf
format specifier for the double
type, with the leading %
stripped, e.g.:
(F64["10.5"].Str["6.2f"] == " 10.50") & (F64["10.5"].Str["9.2E"] == " 1.05E+01")
Clone[x] => just-x:Float, DeepClone[x] => just-x:Float
— evaluates to the argument itself
— the rounded mathematical result of the operation does not fit into the destination floating-point format (e.g., when evaluatingExp[F64[1000]]
— the mathematical result of the operation is undefined and the function or operation has a pole for the exact value of the argument (e.g., when evaluatingF64[1] / F64[0]
— in any other case when the mathematical result of the operation is undefined (e.g., when evaluatingF64[0] / F64[0]
, orLog[~F64[1]]
— a string representation or format specifier is malformed (has invalid syntax)UnrecognizedOperation
Decimal Floating-Point
The type Decimal Floating-Point corresponds to the (finite) set of floating-point values representable according to the [IEEE 754-2008] standard in a base-10 format excluding negative zero(s), not-a-numbers (NaNs), and (positive and negative) infinities. Like most abstract mathematical entities, objects of type Decimal Floating-Point are immutable.
All basic operations on Decimal Floating-Point values provided by the MANOOL standard library shall be performed in conformance with IEEE 754-2008 unless explicitly required otherwise.
There are actually four disjoint Decimal Floating-Point types, one for each combination of precision (64-bit or 128-bit) and rounding mode for calculations
(“round to nearest, ties away from zero” or “round to nearest, ties to even”): Common 64-bit Decimal Floating-Point, Bankers 64-bit Decimal Floating-Point,
Common 128-bit Floating-Point, and Bankers 128-bit Decimal Floating-Point, respectively. In the following chart these types are denoted as Common64
, Common128
, and Bankers128
, respectively:
C64 [s:String] => Common64
D64 [s:String] => Bankers64
C128[s:String] => Common128
D128[s:String] => Bankers128
evaluates to a Decimal Floating-Point object that represents the value specified by the argument in the conventional decimal notation (in the corresponding format and using the corresponding rounding mode):
("+" | "-" | ) (<digit> <digit>* ("." <digit>* | ) | "." <digit> <digit>*) (("e" | "E") ("+" | "-" | ) <digit> <digit>* | )
<digit> -> "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9"
C64 [i:Integer] => Common64
D64 [i:Integer] => Bankers64
C128[i:Integer] => Common128
D128[i:Integer] => Bankers128
— equivalent to C64[Str[i]]
, D64[Str[i]]
, C128[Str[i]]
, or D128[Str[i]]
, respectively
Type predicates
IsC64 [object] => Boolean
IsD64 [object] => Boolean
IsC128[object] => Boolean
IsD128[object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
In the following chart Decimal
refers to the underlying Decimal Floating-Point type, and t
stands for the corresponding constructor (i.e., either C64
, C128
, or D128
x + y:Decimal => Decimal
— addition
x - y:Decimal => Decimal
— subtraction
x * y:Decimal => Decimal
— multiplication
x / y:Decimal => Decimal
— division
Neg[x] => Decimal, ~x => minus-x:Decimal
— negation (unary minus)
x.Fma[y:Decimal; z:Decimal] => Float
— fused multiply-add operation — computes y
avoiding undue loss of precision
x == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
x < y:Decimal => Boolean
— comparison for “less than”
x <= y:Decimal => Boolean
— comparison for “less than or equal”
x > y:Decimal => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than”
x >= y:Decimal => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than or equal”
Order[x; y:Decimal] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation — ~1
iff x
is ordered before y
, 1
iff y
is ordered before x
, and 0
Abs[x] => Decimal
— absolute value (magnitude, modulus)
Exp[x] => Decimal
— base-e exponential of the argument
Log[x] => Decimal
— base-e (natural) logarithm of the argument
Log[base; x:Decimal] => Decimal
— equivalent to Log[x] / Log[base]
Log10[x] => Decimal
— computes the base-10 logarithm of the argument with a greater accuracy than Log[t[10]; x]
Sqr[x] => Decimal
— square (x
2, x
Sqrt[x] => Decimal
— square root of the argument
x.Pow[y:Decimal] => Decimal
— computes x
raised to the power y
Trunc[x] => Decimal
— evaluates to the argument with the fractional part discarded
Round[x] => Decimal
— evaluates to the argument rounded to the nearest integral value, half ties toward infinity, e.g.:
(Round[t[".5"]] == t[1]) & (Round[~t[".5"]] == ~t[1])
Floor[x] => Decimal
— evaluates to the nearest integral value less than or equal to the argument
Ceil[x] => Decimal
— evaluates to the nearest integral value greater than or equal to the argument
Int[x] => Integer
— Trunc[x]
represented as an object of type Integer
Str[x] => String
— decimal representation, e.g.:
Str[C128["99.90"]] == "99.90"
Quantize[x; y:Decimal] => Decimal
— quantize operation as specified in IEEE 754-2008
Clone[x] => just-x:Decimal, DeepClone[x] => just-x:Decimal
— evaluates to an (initially) unshared Decimal Floating-Point object that represents the same value as the argument
— the rounded mathematical result of the operation does not fit into the destination floating-point format (e.g., when evaluatingExp[F64[1000]]
— the mathematical result of the operation is undefined and the function or operation has a pole for the exact value of the argument (e.g., when evaluatingF64[1] / F64[0]
— in any other case when the mathematical result of the operation is undefined (e.g., when evaluatingF64[0] / F64[0]
, orLog[~F64[1]]
— a string representation or format specifier is malformed (has invalid syntax)UnrecognizedOperation
The type Unsigned
corresponds to the (finite) set of integral numbers in the range 0 thru 232-1 (i.e., 0 thru 4294967295), inclusive. However, in
comparison to the case of integers, all basic arithmetic operations on Unsigned
values are performed by modulo 232, and the standard library also
provides operations defined in terms of a positional binary representation (i.e, so-called bitwise operations). Like most abstract mathematical entities,
objects of type Unsigned
are immutable.
U32[x] => Unsigned
— I48[x].Mod[4294967296]
represented as an object of type Unsigned
Type predicates
IsU32[object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
x + y:Unsigned => Unsigned
— addition by modulo 232
x - y:Unsigned => Unsigned
— subtraction by modulo 232
x * y:Unsigned => Unsigned
— multiplication by modulo 232
x / y:Unsigned => Unsigned, x.Div[y:Unsigned] => Unsigned
— integer division — the fractional part of the real result is truncated, e.g.:
U32[8] / U32[3] == U32[2]
x.Rem[y:Unsigned] => Unsigned, x.Mod[y:Unsigned] => Unsigned
— remainder of (/)
— equivalent to
{unless U32[0] <> y signal Undefined else x - x / y * y}
Neg[x] => Unsigned
— negation — two's complement (equivalent to ~x + U32[1]
x == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
x < y:Unsigned => Boolean
— comparison for “less than”
x <= y:Unsigned => Boolean
— comparison for “less than or equal”
x > y:Unsigned => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than”
x >= y:Unsigned => Boolean
— comparison for “greater than or equal”
Order[x; y:Unsigned] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation — equivalent to
{if x < y then ~1 else: if x > y then 1 else 0}
Abs[x] => just-x:Unsigned
— evaluates to the argument itself
x & y:Unsigned => Unsigned
— bitwise “and”
x | y:Unsigned => Unsigned
— bitwise “or”
~x => Unsigned
— bitwise “not” (bitwise negation, complement)
x.Xor[y:Unsigned] => Unsigned
— bitwise exclusive “or”
Lsh[x; n:Integer] => Unsigned
— logical bit shift (computes x
*2n mod 232)
Ash[x; n:Integer] => Unsigned
— arithmetic bit shift, left for positive n
, right for negative n
, the MSB6 counts as the “sign” bit
Rot[x; n:Integer] => Unsigned
— bit rotation, left for positive n
, right for negative n
, and
Rot[x; n] == Rot[x; n.Rem[32]]
Ctz[x] => Unsigned
— trailing zeros count, for non-zero arguments
Clz[x] => Unsigned
— leading zeros count, for non-zero arguments
Log2[x] => Unsigned
— equivalent to U32[31] - Clz[x]
C1s[x] => popcount:Unsigned
— ones count (population count)
Str[x] => String
— hexadecimal representation, e.g.:
Str[U32[123]] == "0x0000006F"
Str[x; format:String] => String
— argument string representation formatted according to a C/POSIX printf
format specifier for the unsigned
type, with the leading %
stripped, e.g.:
Str[U32[10]; "3u"] == " 10", Str[U32[10]; "04X"] == "000A"
Int[x] => Integer
— value represented as an object of type Integer
Clone[x] => just-x:Unsigned, DeepClone[x] => just-x:Unsigned
— evaluates to the argument itself
An object of type Complex
(or more accurately, Binary Floating-Point Complex) consists of a pair of two Binary Floating-Point values in the same
floating-point format, which represent a complex number in Cartesian form. Like most abstract mathematical entities, objects of type Binary Floating-Point
Complex are immutable.
Since there are two floating-point data types, there are also two corresponding complex data types. In the following chart these types are denoted as
and Complex64
Z64[re:Float64; im:Float64] => Complex64
Z32[re:Float32; im:Float32] => Complex32
— evaluates to a 64-bit or 32-bit Floating-Point Complex object, respectively, with the specified real and imaginary part
Z64[re:Float64] => Complex64
Z32[re:Float32] => Complex32
— evaluates to a 64-bit or 32-bit Floating-Point Complex object, respectively, that represents the same floating-point value as the argument (with the imaginary part set to positive zero)
Z64[s:String] => Complex64
Z32[s:String] => Complex32
— evaluates to a 64-bit or 32-bitFloating-Point Complex object, respectively, that represents a value specified by the argument in the conventional decimal notation, which can include both real and imaginary parts, separated by a comma:
("+" | "-" | ) (<digit> <digit>* ("." <digit>* | ) | "." <digit> <digit>*)
(("e" | "E") ("+" | "-" | ) <digit> <digit>* | ) (","
("+" | "-" | ) (<digit> <digit>* ("." <digit>* | ) | "." <digit> <digit>*)
(("e" | "E") ("+" | "-" | ) <digit> <digit>* | ) | )
<digit> -> "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9"
Z64[i:Integer] => Complex64
Z32[i:Integer] => Complex32
— equivalent to Z64[Str[i]]
or Z32[Str[i]]
, respectively
Type predicates
IsZ64[object] => Boolean
IsZ32[object] => Boolean
Polymorphic operations
In the following chart Complex
refers to the underlying Complex
type, Float
refers to the Binary Floating-Point type using the corresponding
floating-point format, and t
stands for the corresponding constructor (i.e., either Z32
or Z64
x + y:Complex => Complex
— addition
x - y:Complex => Complex
— subtraction
x * y:Complex => Complex
— multiplication
x / y:Complex => Complex
— division
Neg[x] => Complex, ~x => minus-x:Complex
— negation (unary minus)
Conj[x] => Complex
— complex conjugate
x == y => Boolean
— comparison for equality
x <> y => Boolean
— comparison for inequality
Order[x; y:Complex] => Integer
— total order/equivalence relation — objects of a Complex
type are ordered lexicographically with respect to their Cartesian components
Re[x] => Float
— real part
Im[x] => Float
— imaginary part
Abs[x] => Float
— absolute value (modulus)
Arg[x] => Float
— argument (phase) of a complex value
Exp[x] => Complex
— base-e exponential of the argument
Log[x] => Complex
— base-e (natural) logarithm of the argument
Log[base; x:Complex] => Complex
— equivalent to Log[x] / Log[base]
Log10[x] => Complex
— computes the base-10 logarithm of the argument (with a greater accuracy than Log[t[10]; x]
Sqrt[x] => Complex
— square root of the argument
x.Pow[y:Complex] => Complex
— computes x
raised to the power y
Sin[x] => Complex
— sine
Cos[x] => Complex
— cosine
Tan[x] => Complex
— tangent
Asin[x] => Complex
— arcsine
Acos[x] => Complex
— arccosine
Atan[x] => Complex
— arctangent
Sinh[x] => Complex
— hyperbolic sine
Cosh[x] => Complex
— hyperbolic cosine
Tanh[x] => Complex
— hyperbolic tangent
Asinh[x] => Complex
— inverse hyperbolic sine
Acosh[x] => Complex
— inverse hyperbolic cosine
Atanh[x] => Complex
— inverse hyperbolic tangent
Str[x] => String
— decimal representation, e.g.:
Str[Exp[Z64["0,-1"]]] == "5.4030230586813977e-01,-8.4147098480789650e-01"
Clone[x] => just-x:Complex, DeepClone[x] => just-x:Complex
— evaluates to an (initially) unshared Floating-Point Complex object that represents the same value as the argument
— the rounded mathematical result of the operation does not fit into the destination floating-point format (e.g., when evaluatingExp[F64[1000]]
— the mathematical result of the operation is undefined and the function or operation has a pole for the exact value of the argument (e.g., when evaluatingF64[1] / F64[0]
— in any other case when the mathematical result of the operation is undefined (e.g., when evaluatingF64[0] / F64[0]
, orLog[~F64[1]]
— a string representation or format specifier is malformed (has invalid syntax)UnrecognizedOperation