MANOOL is Not an Object-Oriented Language!”

Lesson 3 — Tutorial


Symbol Data Type

Symbol is one of the most fundamental and versatile data types in MANOOL. extern, in, WriteLine, Out, +, etc. are all symbols.

If an expression in MANOOL consists of a literal symbol, by default that symbol denotes itself (e.g. WriteLine, (+), Foo) unless it starts with a lowercase letter (e.g. then, do) or is bound to some other entity in the current scope (e.g. Out, extern, if, (&)). In the later case, the symbol denotes that entity.

Here's a quick test code:

{{extern ""} in Out.WriteLine[Foo ", " Foo == "Foo" ", " Foo.IsSym[]]}


Foo, False, True

Values of type Symbol can identify

To force literal interpretation of a syntactic construct in MANOOL, use the postfix operator ' (single quote):

{ {extern ""} in
  Out.WriteLine[Foo' ", " Out' ", " extern' ", " if' ", " (&)' ", " then']
  Out.WriteLine[Out.WriteLine["Hello, world!"]']


Foo, Out, extern, if, &, then

A symbol can also be dynamically constructed from a string by using the constructor MakeSym and converted back to String with the operation Str:

{{extern ""} in Out.WriteLine[MakeSym["Foo"] ", " MakeSym["Foo"] == Foo]}


Foo, True

Numbers Beyond Integers

Caution!!! Work in progress!!!

You have full control over precise semantics of arithmetic operations in MANOOL. To cover a variety of practical needs and situations, the language provides several numeric data types to choose from, such as Integer, several kinds of Floating Point with binary and decimal base, Complex, and Unsigned. In most cases, you can expect MANOOL programs to give you reproducible numeric results regardless of peculiarities of your language implementation.

In the following examples we are going to learn about how to perform operations on fractional numbers, but first let's learn one minor but important feature:

{ {extern ""} in
  Out.WriteLine[{do Out.WriteLine["One"]; 2 + 3}]  -- do - explicit sequencing
  Out.WriteLine[{do Out.WriteLine["Two"]; 5 - 2}$] -- $  - compile-time evaluation




{ {extern ""} in
  -- Scientific-oriented arithmetic (base-2 internal representation)
  Out.WriteLine["one quarter (F64)  = " F64[".25"]$  " = " (F64[1] / F64[4])$]  -- precise representation
  Out.WriteLine["one tenth   (F64)  = " F64["1e-1"]$ " = " (F64[1] / F64[10])$] -- approximate representation
  Out.WriteLine["one third   (F64)  = " (F64[1] / F64[3])$] -- periodic fraction (when represented in decimal form)
  Out.WriteLine["one third   (F32)  = " (F32[1] / F32[3])$] -- ditto
  -- Human-oriented arithmetic (base-10 internal representation)
  Out.WriteLine["one tenth   (D64)  = " D64["1e-1"]$ " = " D64[".10"]$]
  Out.WriteLine["one third   (D64)  = " (D64[1] / D64[3])$]
  Out.WriteLine["one third   (D128) = " (D128[1] / D128[3])$]


one quarter (F64)  = 2.5000000000000000e-01 = 2.5000000000000000e-01
one tenth   (F64)  = 1.0000000000000001e-01 = 1.0000000000000001e-01
one third   (F64)  = 3.3333333333333331e-01
one third   (F32)  = 3.33333343e-01
one tenth   (D64)  = 0.1 = 0.10
one third   (D64)  = 0.3333333333333333
one third   (D128) = 0.3333333333333333333333333333333333

Decimal rounding

MANOOL supports two rounding modes for decimal floating-point arithmetic:

Bankers' rounding is suitable for lengthy calculations where rounding errors should be avoided as much as possible, whereas commercial rounding is more wide-spread in many cultures.

MANOOL provides two groups of decimal floating-point data types, one for performing arithmetic using the Bankers' rounding mode and another for using commercial rounding:

{ {extern ""} in
  Out.WriteLine["Banker's rounding: " D64["2.000000000000021"]$ / D64[2]$ ", " D64["2.000000000000031"]$ / D64[2]$
  ", " D64[".25"]$.Quantize[D64[".0"]$] ", " D64[".35"]$.Quantize[D64[".0"]$]]
  Out.WriteLine["Common rounding:   " C64["2.000000000000021"]$ / C64[2]$ ", " C64["2.000000000000031"]$ / C64[2]$
  ", " C64[".25"]$.Quantize[C64[".0"]$] ", " C64[".35"]$.Quantize[C64[".0"]$]]


Banker's rounding: 1.000000000000010, 1.000000000000016, 0.2, 0.4
Common rounding:   1.000000000000011, 1.000000000000016, 0.3, 0.4

Signed zeros

MANOOL supports signed zeros in accordance with the specification IEEE-754 (only for binary floating-point arithmetic):

{ {extern ""} in
  -- Signed zeros supported
  Out.WriteLine[F64["1e-300"]$ / F64["1e300"]$ ", " ~F64["1e-300"]$ / F64["1e300"]$]
  Out.WriteLine[F64["+0"]$ ", " F64["-0"]$]
  Out.WriteLine[F64["+0"]$ == F64["-0"]$]
  Out.WriteLine[Atan[F64[0]$; F64["+0"]$]]
  Out.WriteLine[Atan[F64[0]$; F64["-0"]$]]
  -- Signed zeros unsupported
  Out.WriteLine[D64["1e-300"]$ / D64["1e300"]$ ", " ~D64["1e-300"]$ / D64["1e300"]$]
  Out.WriteLine[D64["+0"]$ ", " D64["-0"]$]


0.0000000000000000e+00, -0.0000000000000000e+00
0.0000000000000000e+00, -0.0000000000000000e+00
0e-398, 0e-398
0, 0


  1. Moreover, symbols are polymorphic operations, which are directly applied to arguments.

  2. The second expression tries to display a syntactic list object (more on this later), and the operation Str returns a generic "value/object" for most data types in MANOOL.