MANOOL is Not an Object-Oriented Language!”

Lesson 4 — Tutorial


Composite Data Types, For-Loops and Views

MANOOL provides a comprehensive set of composite data types, which vary in basic operations and internal data structure (and thus in asymptotic complexity of basic operations with composite values).1

The following examples should allow you to master composite types of MANOOL and deal easily and efficiently with elaborate data sets. Pay special attention to comments embedded in these examples about asymptotic complexity of certain expressions (such as /*O(1)*/ or /*O(log n)*/).2

Normally, you can iterate over elements of a composite value in a straightforward way by using a for-loop:3

{ {extern ""} in
: for { E = {array of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo" "Violet"}$ } do

(here we construct an array out of elements by using the expression {array of ...} and declare the variable E as a for-loop variable).



You can apply the operation Size to any iterable composite value to obtain the number of elements in the argument. Actually, you always iterate over elements of a view (some composite values are views onto their own elements).4

Concatenation and slicing of arrays and sequences, move operations

You can concatenate arrays and get subarrays (slices in more general terms), even in reverse order if you like, by indexing (subscripting) using ranges:5

{ {extern ""} in
: var { A = {array of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo" "Violet"}$ } in
: for { E = A[Range[2; Size[A]]] + A[RevRange[Size[A] - 1]] } do

Compared to arrays, sequences (another composite data type) may be more efficient for concatenation and removing a few elements from either end. In turn, arrays are more efficient than sequences for accessing individual elements in the middle. Otherwise, they are similar:

{ {extern ""} in
: var { S = {sequence of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo" "Violet"} } in
: var { R = S[RevRange[Size[S]]] } in
: for { E = S![Range[2; Size[S]]] + R![Range[1; Size[R]]] /*O(1)*/ } do

The constructs S! and R! above refer to move operations. By using a move operation, you roughly tell the MANOOL translator: “I declare that I won't need the value stored in this location anymore. Please feel free to reuse any associated resources as you wish.”.6

Output of both examples:



You can also easily operate with sets and even perform set-theoretic operations using infix operators:

{ {extern ""} in
: for { E = {set of "Red" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo" "Violet"}$ + {set of "Red" "Yellow" "Orange" "Green" "Blue"}$ } do



Note that the same value cannot occur in a set more than once, and here you cannot have arbitrary control over element ordering anymore (instead, the order of elements in a set is always implicitly induced by the operation Order).

Partial updates and iteration over lazily evaluated slices

Small, step-wise modifications of composites can be constructed in constant or logarithmic time; slices can be evaluated on-demand (by using first Elems to construct a view):

{ {extern ""} in
: var { A = {array of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo"} } in
  /* A = {array of "Violet"}$ + A! /*O(n)*/ */ -- may be slow in case of arrays
  A = A! | "Violet" | "Red" /*amortized O(1)*/ -- append violet and red
  A[5] = "Dark Blue" /*O(1)*/                  -- replace an element; shorthand for:
  /* A = A!.Repl[5; "Dark Blue"] /*O(1)*/ */
: do Out.WriteLine[A[Size[A] - 1] /*O(1)*/] after     -- output the last elem
: for { E = A.Elems[Range[Size[A] - 1]] /*O(1)*/ } do -- output all but the last elem
  Out.Write[E; ", "]


Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Dark Blue, Violet, Red

And now using sequences:

{ {extern ""} in
: var { S = {sequence of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo"} } in
  S = {sequence of "Violet"}$ + S! | "Violet" /*O(1)*/ -- prepend and append violet
  /* A[3] = "Amarillo" /*O(n)*/ */                     -- may be slow in case of sequences
: do Out.WriteLine[S[Size[S] - 1] /*O(1)*/] after      -- output the last elem
: for { E = S.Elems[Range[Size[S] - 1]] /*O(1)*/ } do  -- output all but the last elem
  Out.Write[E; ", "]


Violet, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

And sets:

{ {extern ""} in
: var { S = {set of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo"} } in
  S = S! | "Violet" | "Red" /*O(log n)*/ -- include violet and red (if not present)
  S["Orange"] = False /*O(log n)*/       -- exclude orange (if present); shorthand for:
  /* S = S!.Repl["Orange"; False] /*O(log n)*/ */
: do Out.WriteLine[S.Elems[][Size[S] - 1] /*O(1)*/] after -- output the last elem
: for { E = S.Elems[Range[Size[S] - 1]] /*O(1)*/ } do     -- output all but the last elem
  Out.Write[E; ", "]


Blue, Green, Indigo, Red, Violet, Yellow

Nested composites

A composite value may contain other composite values as components/elements. Let's construct a funny table or matrix 9 x 7 of color names out of nested arrays:

{ {extern ""} in
: var { Tab = {array 9 of: array 7}$ } in -- 9 x 7 matrix filled with Nil value
  Tab[0] = {array of "Red" "Orange" "Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo" "Violet"}$
  { for { I = Range[1; Size[Tab]] } do -- Fill out the table
  : for { J = Range[Size[Tab[0]]] } do
    Tab[I; J] = Tab[I - 1; (J - 1).Mod[7]] /*amortized O(1)*/       -- shorthand for:
    /* Tab[I][J] = Tab[I - 1][(J - 1).Mod[7]] /*amortized O(1)*/ */ -- (but faster)
: for { I = Tab.Keys[] } do -- Print the table
: for { J = Tab[I].Keys[] } do
  Out.Write[Tab[I; J] /*O(1)*/] -- shorthand for:
  /* Out.Write[Tab[I][J]] */    -- (but faster)
: if J < Tab[I].Size[] - 1 then
  Out.Write[" "]

(note that in MANOOL instead of writing T[I][J] you can write just T[I; J], which is actually recommended due to performance reasons).


Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Violet Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo
Indigo Violet Red Orange Yellow Green Blue
Blue Indigo Violet Red Orange Yellow Green
Green Blue Indigo Violet Red Orange Yellow
Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Red Orange
Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Red
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Violet Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo


Records are composite values whose individual components are always identified by keys of type Symbol. A record component is accessible in constant time, but there are more limitations as to how you can manipulate records (compared to maps).

Let's use records to construct a table of set operations and their descriptions and then iterate over that table:

{ {extern ""} in
: for
  { E =
    { array of
      {record of Description = "Set A"; Op = {proc {A; _} as A}}
      {record of Description = "Set B"; Op = {proc {_; B} as B}}
      {record of Op = (+); Description = "Union"}
      {record of Op = (*); Description = "Intersection"}
      {record of Op = (-); Description = "Difference"}
      {record of Op = (/); Description = "Symmetric difference"}
: var
  { S =
    {set of "Red" "Green" "Blue" "Indigo" "Violet"}$.(E[Op] /*O(1)*/)[{set of "Red" "Yellow" "Orange" "Green" "Blue"}$]
  Out.WriteLine["===== " E[Description] /*O(1)*/ ":"]
: do Out.WriteLine[S.Elems[][Size[S] - 1] /*O(1)*/] after -- last elem
: for { E = S.Elems[Range[Size[S] - 1]] /*O(1)*/ } do     -- all but the last elem
  Out.Write[E; ", "]


===== Set A:
Blue, Green, Indigo, Red, Violet
===== Set B:
Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Yellow
===== Union:
Blue, Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow
===== Intersection:
Blue, Green, Red
===== Difference:
Indigo, Violet
===== Symmetric difference:
Indigo, Orange, Violet, Yellow


Unlike records maps are composite values whose individual elements can be addressed using keys of any type.

Let's construct a dictionary to translate color names from English to Spanish and then another one to translate from English to Portuguese:7

{ {extern ""} in
: var
  { Es =
    { map of
      "Red"    = "Rojo"
      "Orange" = "Naranja"
      "Yellow" = "Amarillo"
      "Green"  = "Verde"
      "Blue"   = "Azul"
      "Indigo" = "Indigo"
      "Violet" = "Violeta"
: var { Pt = Es /*O(1)*/ } in            -- make a "virtual" copy (sharing map resources)
  Pt["Red"]    = "Vermelho" /*O(n)*/     -- copy-on-write (automatically unsharing map resources here)
  Pt["Orange"] = "Laranja"  /*O(log n)*/ -- reading and updating of map elements always takes logarithmic time
  Pt["Yellow"] = "Amarelo"  /*O(log n)*/
: let
  { WriteMap =
    { proc { S; M } as
    : for { K = M.Keys[]; E = M.Elems[] } do -- parallel iteration
      S.WriteLine[K " -> " E]
  Out.WriteLine["=== In Spanish ==="];    Out.WriteMap[Es]
  Out.WriteLine["=== In Portuguese ==="]; Out.WriteMap[Pt]

(in MANOOL you can iterate over more than one view using more than one loop variable in each step, which is demonstrated above).


=== In Spanish ===
Blue -> Azul
Green -> Verde
Indigo -> Indigo
Orange -> Naranja
Red -> Rojo
Violet -> Violeta
Yellow -> Amarillo
=== In Portuguese ===
Blue -> Azul
Green -> Verde
Indigo -> Indigo
Orange -> Laranja
Red -> Vermelho
Violet -> Violeta
Yellow -> Amarelo


  1. A composite value in MANOOL (or object, depending on your point of view) incorporates other values (or objects, respectively). This happens irrespective of component types and without placing restrictions on the number of components on behalf of the composite type itself. Thus, complex numbers, for instance, are not composite values according to this definition.

  2. Complete control over time complexity of operations with composite values may be the whole point of using MANOOL in the first place.

  3. Components of an iterable composite value are also referred to as elements of that value.

  4. {for {E = C} in ...} is actually equivalent to {for {E = C.Elems[]} in ...}, and Elems for a view shall return that view again. Other operations exist that return views, like Keys, which returns a view onto access keys for a composite value.

  5. You can also access individual array elements (by index), which is demonstrated later.

  6. If you in fact hold your promise, such move operation is semantically a non-op, but it may be crucial for efficiency. Arguably, relying on move operations instead of referential semantics constitutes a better software engineering practice.

  7. This example also demonstrates the non-referential semantics in action.